The deadline for submitting advertising, columns, Local news, pictures or other items is the 15th of each month with NO EXCEPTIONS. Submit via attachment in a jpg type file. All pictures should have the names, event and date written with the attachment. To have original pictures returned, a self-addressed stamped envelope should also be provided.
All members are encouraged to solicit advertising from businesses and individuals. Current advertising rates and sizes are as follows:
Size |
Monthly |
Yearly |
Business Card |
$15.00 |
$150.00 |
Double Size Bus. Card w/color |
$250.00 |
¼ Page (5"W x 6"H) |
$150.00 |
$1,500.00 |
½ Page (10"W x 6"H) |
$175.00 |
$1,750.00 |
Full Page (10"W x 12"H) |
$350.00 |
$3,500.00 |
Color with ad is 25% extra per month per ad
Ads must be paid in advance and submitted camera-ready with spot-color requests noted. Locals will receive the usual %15 of the cost for a business membership, but do not receive %15 of the extra cost paid for spot-color on the business card. The editor reserves the right to determine ad placement. Classified ads are available to members free of charge.
Flyers for runs and events sanctioned by ABATE are printed free of charge (reduced to ¼ page) on a space-available basis. Flyers can be in color or black-and-white, camera ready original (fax copies are NOT accepted). FLYERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A LETTER VERIFYING THAT THE EVENT WILL HAVE INSURANCE. If the event does not have insurance, it will be treated as advertising and charged at the above ad rates.
Each Local is encouraged to submit a column for the Local News section each month. The maximum is 450 words, and the editor reserves the right to edit when necessary. Typewritten copy should be e-mailed to the ABATE State Office or submitted on a disk. The email address is [email protected]. The Local News section is not intended to be minutes for the monthly Local meetings. Suggested topics include recent and upcoming events, special guest speakers, contributions to ABATEPAC/Lobbyist funds, special work projects (campaigns, charity events, etc.), personal events (marriages, babies, new members, deaths, etc.), There are no restrictions as to what should be submitted, but please keep it as "clean" and as upbeat and positive as possible.
When a Local changes a meeting place, meeting time, Local contact info or email address, the new information should be submitted to the ABATE State Office immediately via email to: [email protected]